The Student Voice Columns
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What's With Our Local Schools Today?
What's With Our Local Schools Today? While many people seem to believe our local schools today have come a long way in improving our children's education process, I am here to point out the obvious points that prove they haven't improved a thing. Claiming to have taken a stand against bullying, improving the nutrition of school meals, and decreasing violence in schools when in reality all they have done is started punishing victims, handout falsified menus, and cover up serious life altering issues within the schools. Although there are some parents who believe the schools over their children, I am a parent of four who does her homework. When thinking about sending my children to school my number one concern is their education; however, today a parent must be concerned about so much more. How can we expect a child to focus on their education if they have a constant fear of abuse from a bully? A child in school today must worry about wearing the right fashion, being in the expected physical stature, having the latest technology, being the right race, or having the proper sexual orientation. How can a child pull all that off to avoid being bullied and gain an education? Then if they do fall victim to a bully and they defend themselves, they are punished while the bully is free to bully more students. How is this fair? It is not, and that is why the schools are failing. My opinion is that all schools should require students to wear uniforms to decrease the fashion distraction within the schools, which would be one less thing for children to be bullied over. There should also be an electronic ban from schools so children would be less competitive about what others have and more focused on their work. Finally, I feel there should be a no exception zero tolerance of bullying. If a child is caught bullying another child there should be a three strike rule, first two offenses result in a three then ten day suspension while the third is an automatic expulsion. No child should feel like they can't get educated without being bullied, and bullies would realize the seriousness of their actions and the consequences for them While bullying has been a major issue in schools, the nutrition of school meals has also been a hot topic that the local school system has claimed to improve over the years. My kids bring home monthly calendars that have the menu of the supposed daily breakfast and lunch provided to the children. At first glance I was jealous, they have a delicious hot meal as well as two cold meals substitutions for everyday, and this is defiantly not the menu I grew up on in school. It wasn't until I started asking my children everyday what they had for lunch that I realized the paper menus are just for show since they are completely falsified. This is a huge slap in the face to me, because I view it as a flat out lie. They claim to feed your child a healthy nutritious meal, while they really feed them whatever they feel like feeding them. If they would lie about something as simple as food, do you really want to know what else they are lying about? Between the punishing victims and lying about nutrition, I can't help but wonder what else is going on in our schools. Teen pregnancy, drug abuse, alcoholism, gang violence, and hate crimes are all issues that are occurring right in our schools without our knowledge. Parents everyday are discovering their daughter's pregnancies, their children's drug or alcohol problems, their children's involvement in gang activities, or their children being victims of hate crimes and wondering how it happened. For many it seems impossible since the only time their child is out of their sight is when they go to school, but that is exactly when and where the problems are taking place, and the schools are not doing anything about it. The schools are too worried about how they'll appear to the public, so they cover up these activities and act as though there are no problems at all. Sending the bad kids to alternative schools and even encouraging some to drop out or obtain a GED. I guess no one taught them that problems don't go away by covering them up and doing nothing about them, instead they only get worse. It is time for the public to take a stand for our children, to secure them the best chance at a successful future. While our children may not agree with all actions necessary to make this possible, they will certainly appreciate it when they get older and understand why certain actions were required. We were all teens at one point in our lives and we all know the difficulties or stresses that come with the territory. Being a parent means understanding our children, as well as all of their wants and desires, while pursuing their best interests and securing the best possible future for them. In order to do our job properly we can't stand for any mistakes in their educating process; otherwise, what message are we really sending our children...
Droopy Drawers
LIFESTYLE - Is this really a trend?! Exposed drawers (or underwear). I am somewhat discouraged that this is the pool of potential life...
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